Telco 2.0 vol.2.

by GarciaPL on Tuesday, 17 July 2012

It all started with a process called convergence, which was initiated in the early 90' mainly by technical progress, when telecoms decided to implement in their internal systems intelligent platforms, which allowed them using it to provide integrated and innovative services. Highly simplified model is presented on picture below. Through this process was created a new 'technology branch' called Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Due to this occurence were created many solutions which connect (mashup) internet technologies like the Internet, e-mails, digital maps e.g. with functionalities of mobile networks like voice and text services to finally get new products like SMS Gateway, protocols to transmission videos Video over IP (VIP) and sound Voice over IP (VoIP), multiline telephone systems PBX, protocol WAP, digital TV (DVH-B) and many many more. Also this process had a great impact on the assumptions of Telco 2.0.


In result of synergy of telecommunication and IT sector occurred some new directions of development in future :

  • Internet will become a new medium for transport of phone calls etc.
  • Mobile networks gain hegemony in relation to fixed networks
  • Band telecommunications networks will be dominated mainly by the movement ICT

Thanks to convergence, telecoms changed conception of creation services from strictly related with telecommunication to tools and solutions derived from IT sector.

Technologies in Telecommunications
Technologies in Telecommunications

Next post : New Application Programming Interfaces (API) in Telecommunications

(Telco 2.0 vol.3.)

Reference :
[1] Technologies of the future in telecommunications [PL]
[2] The development of telecommunications and mail in the information society [PL]