So, let's begin the journey

by GarciaPL on Thursday, 5 July 2012

This blog don't have any special idea to write for. I created it only for typing. Nothing else. Or perhaps to share with other people the solutions of problems which i was faced with.

My name is Lukasz. I live actually in Warsaw the capital of Poland (Over here!). I mostly work there in the IT sector. In spare time I just rest ;)

My hobbies ? Sailing with great people, listening good music (especially progressive) (My LastFm Profile), following the Open Source projects, new technology companies called Startups and IT innovations.

I will do my best to provide for you the most sophisticated informations and issues releated with widely known IT sector and more ;-)

I hope that you are going to visit my blog regularly for instance once a year ;) Of course it is obvious that every your feedback is welcome via comments under posts or by email (Contact page) or LinkedIn profile (Here you are!).

Best regards,