Grand Prix BIHAPI

by GarciaPL on Saturday, 7 February 2015

On 29th January in European Center of Solidarność in Gdańsk were announced results of BIHAPI competition. First winner of competition was "CoSieStao" which allows users access to various types of information related with town/district where they live. Application was created by Paweł Konieczny and Piotr Martyniak. There were also awarded such applications like "Via CRM the first passenger relationship management in the world", "Poczytaj mi", "Stacz kolejkowy" and "IfCity". More information about competition and awarded applications can be found under

Competition partners :

Oracle Communication (technology partner), Capital City Warsaw, Gdańsk, Poznań, Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe, IQ Partners, Black Pearls, SpeedUp Group, Investin, Fundacja TechSoup, Orange Foundation, Fundacja Pracownia badań i innowacji społecznych Stocznia, Centrum Cyfrowe Fundacja Projekt: Polska,, Gdański Park Naukowo-Techniczny, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Warsaw University of Technology, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie.

 BIHAPI Grand Prix