After my last trip do Budapest with my wife (I really recommend going to this town! It's wonderful! not only building, but also people are very very nice to tourists), I had a little forints. There is not such much of them, but recently I was checking what is the current currency rate of forint to exchange those money. It was no such difficult to do it, I just did request to Google like '9000 HUF to PLN'. Then idea came to me, that I can wrote some script in Perl which can do it for me and additionally inform via email when there is a good opportunity to exchange those money.
For sending emails I used very nice API called Mandrill [2]. For currency convert from HUF to PLN I used module called Finance::Currency::Convert::Yahoo [3].
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use POSIX; use WebService::Mandrill; use Finance::Currency::Convert::Yahoo; $Finance::Currency::Convert::Yahoo::CHAT = 1; $_ = Finance::Currency::Convert::Yahoo::convert(9430,'HUF','PLN'); if (defined($_)) { if (floor($_) gt 135) { print "Sell HUF : ".floor($_)."\n"; send_email('', 'Sell HUF', 'Right now there is the time to sell HUF'); } else { print "Keep HUF\n"; } } else { print "Error\n"; } sub send_email { (my $to, my $subject, my $body) = @_; my $mandrill = WebService::Mandrill->new( debug => 1, api_key => 'YOUR_API_TO_MANDRILL', ); my $response = $mandrill->send( subject => $subject, from_email => "sender\", text => $body, track_opens => 1, track_clicks => 1, to => [ { email => $to } ], ); }
Reference : [1] Pastebin Source Code Finance Current Convert [2] [3] CPAN Finance::Currency::Convert::Yahoo
Finance Currency Convert