I would like to share, in my opinion, quite helpful tool dedicated for Linux administrators for ending (or some of you would say "killing") processes which contain particular pattern. I prepared a dedicated script written in Perl which is very easy to help. If you would like to kill all processes contain word "chrome" just run like this one : ./KillProcesses.pl -p chrome. I also wrote a small program with infinity loop which can be used for testing purposes. It can be found using pattern LoopProcess.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; my $help; my $process_pattern = undef; sub kill_processes { if (defined($process_pattern)) { my @processeslist = `ps -ef | grep $process_pattern | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'`; if ((@processeslist) and (scalar(@processeslist) > 1)) { print "\nKilling processes with PID like : \n"; print @processeslist; my @killprocess = `kill -9 @processeslist`; print Dumper @killprocess; } else { print "\nCan not find processes contain a pattern '$process_pattern'\n"; } } else { print "\nProcess name was not defined\n"; } } sub usage { print "$0 -p\n"; } sub help { print "\nKill All Processes along with pattern\n"; usage(); print < \$help, 'p=s' => \$process_pattern, 'pattern=s' => \$process_pattern ); if ($help) { help(); exit; } if (!defined($process_pattern)) { print "Put pattern of process! (-h for help)\n"; usage(); exit;} } ######### MAIN PROGRAM check_input(); ######## KILL PROCESSES ALONG WITH PATTERN print "\nSearching and ending processes contain a pattern '$process_pattern'"; kill_processes();
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; while (1) { }
Reference : [1] GarciaPL Pastebin KillProcesses [2] GarciaPL Pastebin LoopProcess
Killing processes contain pattern