Many many years ago on the one of the intern I have created a small tool to create reports about backups of Oracle and File System in company using HP Data Protector. Below I put a printscreen of output file :
![]() |
HP Data Protector Report |
And the final script code to create HP Data Protector reports :
use Date::Calc; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility; sub help_syntax { print "\nHelp Syntax :\n\n"; print "Backuped FileSystems and Oracle (default) -> perl\n"; print "Backuped FileSystems and Oracle in .xls format -> perl --xls\n"; print "Backuped FileSystems -> perl --FS\n"; print "Backuped FileSystems in format .xls -> perl --FS --xls\n"; print "Backuped Oracle -> perl --Oracle\n"; print "Backuped Oracle in format .xls -> perl --Oracle --xls\n\n"; } $boolean_only_FS=0; $boolean_only_Oracle=0; $boolean_only_xls=0; if ( scalar(@ARGV) > 2 ) { print "Numer of arguments is incorrect (max 2)\n"; &help_syntax; exit; } my $workbook; my $worksheet; my ($x,$y)=(0,0); my $glowny_licznik=0; sub xls_function { $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new('output.xls'); $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet('Backups'); $format = $workbook->add_format(); $format->set_bold(); $format->set_align('center'); $format->set_fg_color('grey'); $format->set_size(12); $format->set_color('black'); $worksheet->set_column(0,0,20); $worksheet->set_column(1,1,30); $worksheet->set_column(2,2,7); $worksheet->set_column(3,3,40); $worksheet->set_column(4,4,13); $worksheet->set_column(5,5,15); $worksheet->set_column(6,6,18); $worksheet->write(0,0,"Session",$format); $worksheet->write(0,1,"Server",$format); $worksheet->write(0,2,"Type",$format); $worksheet->write(0,3,"Backuped filesystems",$format); $worksheet->write(0,4,"Time start",$format); $worksheet->write(0,5,"Duration",$format); $worksheet->write(0,6,"Data GB",$format); } @lista_argumentow; foreach (@ARGV) { push(@lista_argumentow,$_); } if ( @lista_argumentow[0] eq "--help" || @lista_argumentow[0] eq "-help" || @lista_argumentow[0] eq "/h" || @lista_argumentow[0] eq "help" ) { &help_syntax; exit; } elsif ( @lista_argumentow[0] eq "--xls" and @lista_argumentow[1] eq "" ) { $boolean_only_xls=1; $boolean_only_FS=1; $boolean_only_Oracle=1; &xls_function; } elsif ( @lista_argumentow[0] eq "--FS" and @lista_argumentow[1] eq "--xls" ) { $boolean_only_xls=1; $boolean_only_FS=1; &xls_function; } elsif ( @lista_argumentow[0] eq "--Oracle" and @lista_argumentow[1] eq "--xls" ) { $boolean_only_xls=1; $boolean_only_Oracle=1; &xls_function; } elsif ( @lista_argumentow[0] eq "--FS" and @lista_argumentow[1] eq "" ) { $boolean_only_FS=1; } elsif ( @lista_argumentow[0] eq "--Oracle" and @lista_argumentow[1] eq "" ) { $boolean_only_Oracle=1; } elsif ( scalar(@ARGV) eq 0 ) { $boolean_only_Oracle=1; $boolean_only_FS=1; } else { &help_syntax; exit; } ################################################################################### $omniback_path="D:/HP/OmniBack/bin"; chdir($omniback_path) or die "Cannot open path $omniback_path\n"; if (-e "omnirpt.exe" ) { print "Found omnirpt.exe\n"; } else { print "File omnirpt.exe does not exist. Exit program.\n"; exit; } $lista_sesji_command=`omnirpt.exe -report list_sessions -timeframe 24 24`; open FILE, ">session_list.txt" or die $!; #print list of session for Oracle and FileSystem print FILE $lista_sesji_command; close FILE; print "Created session list in file session_list.txt\n"; if (-e "session_list.txt") { open (CHECKBOOK, "output.txt'); $count = 0; $count_oracle=0; while ($record = ) { @tokens = split(/\s+/, $record); my $boolean = 0; $count_oracle=0; $count=$count+1; foreach my $token (@tokens) { if ( @tokens[2] ne "Oracle8" and $boolean_only_FS eq 1) { if ( $boolean eq 0 ) { if( @tokens[15] ne "Errors" ) { if( @tokens[15] ne "" ) { print "\n----FileSystem----\n"; print "Session : ",@tokens[2],"\n"; print "Time start : ",@tokens[6],"\n"; print "Duration : ",@tokens[8],"\n"; print "Data GB : ",@tokens[9],"GB\n"; print "SessionID : ",@tokens[15],"\n"; $temp_session_ID=@tokens[15]; $session_objects=`omnirpt.exe -report session_objects -session $temp_session_ID`; $licz=0; $temp_host; $temp_host2; $boolean_session=1; $flaga_rowne=1; $flaga_nierowne=1; @tokens_session_objects = split(/\s+/, $session_objects); foreach my $token_session (@tokens_session_objects) { $licz=$licz+1; $temp_host=@tokens_session_objects[$licz]; if( $token_session =~ m/FileSystem/) { $glowny_licznik = $glowny_licznik + 1; if ( $boolean_session ) { $temp_host2=$temp_host; } #################################################################################### if ( $boolean_session ) { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[2]," "; #Session (once) if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,0,@tokens[2]); } } if ( $boolean_session ) { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY " ",@tokens_session_objects[$licz]," "; #host if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,1,@tokens_session_objects[$licz]); } } else { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY " ",@tokens_session_objects[$licz]," "; #host if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,1,@tokens_session_objects[$licz]); } } if ( @tokens_session_objects[$licz] eq $temp_host2 and $flaga_rowne == 1) #hosts name are the same { if ( $boolean_session ) { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY "FS"," "; if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,2,"FS"); } } } if ( @tokens_session_objects[$licz] ne $temp_host2 and $flaga_nierowne == 1) #different host names { if ( $boolean_session ) { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY "FS"," "; if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,2,"FS"); } } } if ( $boolean_session ) { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens_session_objects[$licz+1]," "; #Backuped filesystems if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,3,@tokens_session_objects[$licz+1]); } } else { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens_session_objects[$licz+1],"\n"; #Backuped filesystems if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,3,@tokens_session_objects[$licz+1]); } } if ( @tokens_session_objects[$licz] eq $temp_host2 and $flaga_rowne == 1) #host names are the same { if ( $boolean_session ) { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[6]," "; #Time start (once) print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[8]," "; #Duration (once) print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[9],"GB\n"; #Data GB (once) $boolean_session=0; if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,4,@tokens[6]); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,5,@tokens[8]); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,6,"@tokens[9] GB"); } } $flaga_rowne=0; $flaga_nierowne=1; } if ( @tokens_session_objects[$licz] ne $temp_host2 and $flaga_nierowne == 1) #different host names { if ( $boolean_session ) { print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[6]," "; #Time start (once) print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[8]," "; #Duration (once) print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[9],"GB\n"; #Data GB (once) $boolean_session=0; if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,4,@tokens[6]); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,5,@tokens[8]); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,6,"@tokens[9] GB"); } } $flaga_nierowne=0; $flaga_rowne=1; } $temp_host=@tokens_session_objects[$licz]; $temp_host2=@tokens_session_objects[$licz]; } } print "\n"; $boolean = 1; } } } } elsif ( $boolean_only_Oracle eq 1 ) #in the session found Oracle8 { $temp_session_oracle=@tokens[16]; #sessionID $oracle=`omnidb.exe -session $temp_session_oracle`; @tokens_oracle8 = split(/\s+/, $oracle); my $boolean_check=1; foreach my $token_oracle (@tokens_oracle8) { if( $token_oracle =~ m/.dbf/ and $boolean_check eq 1) #one host - one SID { $glowny_licznik = $glowny_licznik + 1; $znak_mniejszosci=rindex($token_oracle,'<'); $podkreslenie=rindex($token_oracle,'_'); $SID_Bazy=substr($token_oracle,$znak_mniejszosci+1,$podkreslenie-$znak_mniejszosci-1); $dwukropek=index($token_oracle,':'); $Host=substr($token_oracle,0,$dwukropek); print "\n----Oracle8----\n"; print "Session : ",@tokens[3],"\n"; print "Time start : ",@tokens[7],"\n"; print "Duration : ",@tokens[9],"\n"; print "Data GB : ",@tokens[10],"GB\n"; print "SessionID : ",@tokens[16],"\n"; print "SID Bazy : ",$SID_Bazy,"\n"; #write to output file print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[3]," "; #Session print PLIK_WYNIKOWY $Host," "; #Host print PLIK_WYNIKOWY "Oracle"," "; #Oracle print PLIK_WYNIKOWY $SID_Bazy," "; #Database SID print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[7]," "; #Time start print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[9]," "; #Duration print PLIK_WYNIKOWY @tokens[10],"GB\n"; #Data GB if ( $boolean_only_xls ) { $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,0,@tokens[3]); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,1,$Host); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,2,"Oracle"); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,3,$SID_Bazy); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,4,@tokens[7]); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,5,@tokens[9]); $worksheet->write($glowny_licznik,6,"@tokens[10] GB"); } $boolean_check=0; } } print "\n"; last; } } $boolean = 1; } close(CHECKBOOK); close(PLIK_WYNIKOWY); } else { print "File session_list.txt does not exist"; } if ( $boolean_only_xls eq 1 ) { $workbook->close(); }
Reference : [1] Pastebin GarciaPL HP Data Protector [2] Wikipedia HP Data Protector [3] HP Data Protector Resources
HP Data Protector Reports
HP Data Protector|Perl|