New platform with IntelliJ Live Templates has been released! You can find it here IntelliJ Live Templates
Recently I had a desire to explore a little bit of how static websites are generated using modern stack like React. I choose at the time open-source framework called Gatsby
Gatsby has lots of advantages:
* Automatic routing based on your directory structure, so no extra code for configuring the router is needed
* Easily extensible by plugins
* Optimized for speed as only critical parts of your website are loaded
* Easy data integration with sources like CMSs, APIs, databases, file system (CSV, JSON, Markdown)
Using that technology I had created a simple project called IntelliJ Live Templates which provides listings of live templates ready to be used by developers in IntelliJ IDEA. Explanation of how live templates are used is placed on a project website under section About.
Data to fill out the website is taken from the repository placed on Github in the form of Markdown files
IntelliJ Live Templates