Today I have released on GitHub two repositories which contain one of my recent project called TrafficCity. It was developed on hackathon called BIHAPI (Business Intelligence Hackathon API) organized by Orange Poland.
Briefly describing what's it's about in this app - on the mobile app you can place your markers (waypoints) on Google Maps which describes your daily route to work/school. After that you can send those waypoints to server to further processing.
In Backend you can see what's routes are defined by users. Additionally you can upload OSM file which is strongly related with OpenStreetMap and after that you can see on particular area what's is the chance to appear traffic jam.
An application consists of Backend app written in Spring and mobile app written in Android. Application was mainly deployed on JBoss AS 7.1. Backend part is also using interfaces provided by Orange - SIM GeoLocalization API, SMS API, USSD API and by Warsaw City - Transport POI Maps.
Unfortunately, I think that application which is in alpha phase, probably would remain so. There a few things to do/fix on the Backend and Mobile part, but not at this moment. I hope that more appropriate time will come.
Below I allowed myself to post some screenshots from backend and mobile part of this application.
Dashboard |
Markers |
OSM Upload |
OSM Projects |
HeatMap |
Home |
Settings |
Transport Type |
First marker |
Multiple markers |
Daily route |
Settings |
Reference :
[1] GitHub TrafficCity Backend
[2] GitHub TrafficCity Android