Last time I was working on migration of some code from Python into Java and I was trying to find a corresponding code in Java for a function called rstrip in Python. So, below you can see a code written in Python and solution written in Java produced of course using Guava.
CharMatcher trailingZeroMatcher ='0'); String trimmedInput = trailingZeroMatcher.trimTrailingFrom(input);
I needed recently to create a case-insensitive map in Java to query it with keys which might be uppercase or lowercase. I thought that it should be somewhere some kind of solution already available for developers. I found a class called CaseInsensitiveMap in Apache Commons Collections package ( but unfortunately, I found later on that it does not support generics which was needed in my case, that's why I decided to go with a custom solution for that problem which might be found below.
Map<String, String> record = getRecord(); TreeMap<String, String> caseInsensitiveMap = new TreeMap<>getCaseInsensitiveComparator()); caseInsensitiveMap.putAll(record); protected Comparator<String> getCaseInsensitiveComparator() { return Comparator.nullsFirst(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); }
Last time I had a problem with how to split the incoming list of a type File, to get a map of list of files by FileType, which is a property of File class. The easiest way to achieve it? Reduce.
Input -> List<File> listOfFiles
Output -> Map<FileType, List<File>>
public Map<FileType, List<File>> splitFilesByFileType(List<File> listOfFiles) { return .reduce(new HashMap<>(), (filesByFileType, file) -> { FileType fileType = file.getFileType(); if (filesByFileType.containsKey(fileType)) { filesByFileType.get(fileType).add(file); } else { filesByFileType.putIfAbsent(fileType, Lists.newArrayList(file)); } return filesByFileType; }, (acc1, acc2) -> { acc1.putAll(acc2); return acc1; }); }