Some of you might know this unofficial Stack Careers Android app which allows you search job in IT sector. There is a link => Stack Careers on Google Play. I have been using it for a while, but some time ago it stopped working. Only what I got was : 'No Results'. So, I downloaded repository and found out that feed API of Stack Careers has been changed. I mean that application got HTTP 301 status which means Moved Permanently and no redirect has been performed using standard HttpConnection component of Android stack. More info about what I did you might find below and under pull request link.
In fact that I have been using you app occasionally, I found someday that it does not work now. I managed to figure out that guys from Stackoverflow changed feed API and moreover you app was not able to follow up redirect (HTTP 301 Moved Permanently).
So, according to this pull request what I did and what I did not :
- feed API has not been changed
- added OkHttp library within required by it another library called Okio
- replaced HttpURLConnection with client from OkHttp
- added required rules for proguard to cover up OkHttp
I also would like to mention that feed API for Stack careers has been changed from =>
PS. I hope that author of Stack Career will accept my fix for that problem and eventually some day we might be able to download new app from Google Play.
Reference :
[1] Stack Careers - pull request
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